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Low-Cost Advertising That Packs a Punch: Your Blog (Part 1)

Why do customers bring their vehicles to your shop for repairs? Because you’re an expert at it! You and your staff solve your customers’ problems, getting them back on the road as quickly and professionally as possible. Your customers appreciate this.

But, you don’t get a visit from most customers very often. So how can you build your expertise into a real marketing asset? With a blog on your shop’s website.

What can a blog do for your shop?
A blog showcases your knowledge, your abilities and your customer-focused culture. Regular posts about a variety of shop-related topics can do all this:

  • Reinforce your expertise in the auto repair field
  • Build customer loyalty and trust
  • Generate more repeat business
  • Create new customers
  • Educate consumers about vehicle maintenance and repairs
  • Let you connect with the community

It’s all about your expertise!
Being an expert in your field has many benefits. You have credibility. People listen to what you say. They will value your services more highly than those of your competitors. All of these things are good for your business, so you want to market this expertise.

As the local auto repair expert, connecting with current and prospective customers grows this perception. This is exactly what your auto repair shop’s blog can do for you.

First, create a plan
With most aspects of your business, some upfront planning will make things run more smoothly. This applies to your shop’s blog, as well.

Make a list of the things that you would like to see happen as a result of putting a blog on your website. These goals can include:

  • Improving customer service
  • Promoting seasonal service specials
  • Increasing new customer referrals
  • Educating customers on doing basic maintenance
  • Boosting awareness of your participation in the community
  • Encouraging customer participation in community events

Under each of these topics, make a list of relevant topics for articles. Ask your staff members for ideas. And ask your customers what they would like to know about. If some of these articles are more appropriate for a certain time of the year, mark them as such.

Then get yourself a large calendar, or set up a spreadsheet, and plan when you’re going to post these articles on your site.

Start with a frequency that you can manage, perhaps one post every month or two. Fill out your calendar, placing the seasonal articles on appropriate dates. Start with at least six months’ worth of articles.

Next week we’ll go over how to come up with some ideas for content, and how to get people to read it.

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