Our mission at RepairPal is to identify automotive repair businesses that provide high-quality work at a fair price and deliver them new customers via our website and partner referrals. However, in order to join our Certified Network, shops must apply and pass the certification process which we will outline below, and you can watch our Certification VideoÂ
The Certification process is divided into three sections:
- First, shops must complete a technical assessment including a review of the technicians and service writers, specifically their experience, tenure, training, and industry certifications.Â
Our goal is to support shops that are interested in joining the network. To that end, when a shop doesn’t meet the training requirement, we offer FREE online courses that help technicians meet the education requirement. Â
- Second, to stand behind the quality of their work, RepairPal Certified shops must offer at least a 12-month/12,000-mile warranty on repairs and services.
- Third, RepairPal conducts a survey to allow only shops with the highest levels of customer satisfaction into its network. To do this, we extract a verified customer list directly from the shop’s computer system and we hire a third party to rate their experience at the shop. After all results are in, all shops receive a Net Promoter Score®, a customer loyalty metric used by companies worldwide.Â
After we evaluate the shop and it’s judged eligible to join the Network, one of our dedicated Onboarding Specialists will work closely with the shop team for the first 90 days to build the platform for success. Pretty simple right?
 Got questions? Call 866-936-8428 or email sales@repairpal.com for more info.