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What Do “Best Practices” Really Mean?

“Best practices” is a term that is often thrown around and that means a lot of different things to a lot of different people. At RepairPal, we use the term to describe what our automotive team has determined makes up a quality automotive repair facility. My team consists of very experienced automotive professionals who have a wide range of experience in the automotive field. This experience, and our talking to thousands of shops across the country, has helped us develop a process by which we identify auto repair shops that are committed to staying relevant and forward-thinking in our rapidly changing industry.

Increase Business at Your Auto Repair Shop by Improving Relationship Quality and Strengthening the Customer Loyalty Chain

increase business at your auto repair shop

It’s a question that is rarely far from your mind as an auto repair shop owner or service advisers: How can I increase business at my auto repair shop?

According to recent findings in the Journal of Creating Value, auto repair shops need to put just as much effort into relationships as they do repairs. After conducting a telephone survey of a random sample of 408 customers of auto repair and maintenance services, they discovered some important insight into what creates valuable, life-long customers.