Leesburg, VA., December 7, 2015 – John Bridgwater, an ASE Certified Master automobile technician from Castro Valley, California, was recently honored with a national achievement award as the RepairPal/ASE Master Automobile Technician of the Year. Forty-six automotive professionals were recognized on November 18, 2015, at the Fall Board of Governors meeting of the National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence (ASE) held at the Hotel Valley Ho in Scottsdale, Arizona.
The ASE annual awards spotlight top scorers on the ASE Certification Tests from among the ranks of the more than 300,000 ASE-certified professionals nationwide. Jill Trotta, Director, Automotive Group; Greg Gaulin, Chairman of the ASE Board of Directors; and Timothy Zilke, ASE President & CEO, presented the award to Bridgwater.
“John is one of the outstanding ASE-certified professionals recognized annually by different segments of the automotive service and repair industry. Each of these elite technicians is presented with an industry-specific award recognizing their achievement,” said Zilke.
Bridgwater has worked for and is the new owner of Wrights Automotive Service in San Leandro. He has been an automotive technician for 28 years. Bridgwater holds current ASE certification in 49 tests and has ASE Master status in multiple areas.
“ASE has been honoring outstanding automotive professionals in our industry for more than 40 years, and we are proud to once again recognize forty-six outstanding individuals from across the nation,” said Zilke. “This is all made possible by the support of our many award sponsors, whose ranks include some of the best-known names in the industry. We are proud to partner with RepairPal to recognize John’s commitment to excellence in providing the very best in vehicle repair services to his extended community. This dedication is reflected in the talented professionals we recognize each year and John represents the best of the best.”
Thirty-six different companies from both OEM and Aftermarket segments sponsored the individual technician recognition awards in the Auto, Truck, Collision and Parts categories, along with awards for instructors, students and managers. In addition to looking for top scores on ASE tests, award sponsors examine on-the-job excellence, community service and other factors when selecting honorees.
The National Institute for Automotive Service Excellence (ASE) was founded in 1972 as a non-profit, independent organization dedicated to improving the quality of automotive service and repair through voluntary testing and certification of automotive professionals. More than 300,000 ASE-certified automobile, truck, and collision repair technicians, and parts specialists work in dealerships, independent shops, service stations, auto parts stores, fleets, schools, and colleges across the nation. For more information about ASE, visit the Web site at www.ase.com.